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Standard Post with Gallery

A moment of truth

The judges of the International Court of Justice in The Hague will reach a final verdict on June 8, following the appeal of former VRS commander Ratko Mladic to life in prison for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Bosnia and He

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Standard Post with Gallery

Sentencing of war criminal Ratko Mladić

In Sarajevo, we will follow the media conference of the Bosniak and Croat members of the BiH Presidency and all other reactions and possible gatherings.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Asst. Ph.D. Ermin Kuka: The verdict against Mladic proves both the monstrosity and character of the committed crimes against humanity and international law

He assesses that the sentencing of the criminal Ratko Mladić represents a special event, both for the surviving victims of the crime and for the science and practice of international law.

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Standard Post with Gallery

He died in the presence of the authorities

The fact is that sociology in Bosnia and Herzegovina has so far not dealt with the life and death of a sociologist by vocation of Hamdija Pozderac in its own way.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Reactions to the celebration of the Day of Russian Volunteers

Kuka: Their goal was to participate in the creation of clean Serbian spaces.

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