He died in the presence of the authorities

Hamdija Pozderac, partisan, communist, atheist, Titoist, politician, statesman, Yugoslav, Bosnian. One of the first sociologists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka student, Belgrade student, lecturer in general sociology at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo, author of twelve books, the most important of which are "Creation and Development of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina", Prosvjetni list, Sarajevo , 1975; "From history to a concrete initiative: ways of modernization, democratization of relations and efficiency of the League of Communists in Yugoslav society", "Veselin Masleša", Sarajevo, 1987; "Contribution to the study of national relations and socialist unity", Svjetlost, Sarajevo 1978, a dozen scientific papers and hundreds of articles, interviews, speeches.


Hamdija Pozderac's lectures in crowded halls, amphitheaters, cultural centers, factory halls, mountain plateaus, with the same attention and understanding, were attended by university professors, students, workers and the general public. His strong work marked the period of Bosnian history between 1965 and 1987, the most significant period of our peacetime development during the twentieth century.
During that period, Hamdija Pozderac performed all important functions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was a member of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, President of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, President of the Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, President of the Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, member of the League of Communists of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia nad member of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Hamdija Pozderac is the holder of the Partisan Memorial in 1941. He was awarded the Order of Courage, the Order of Merit for the People, the Order of Brotherhood and Unity, the Order of the Republic, the Order of the Yugoslav Flag with a Ribbon, and the Order of Heroes of Socialist Labor. He is the holder of the award of the National Anti-Fascist Council of the People's Liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The life of Hamdija Pozderac coincides with the emergence, development and disintegration of Tito's Yugoslavia. Like many other young people of his time, Hamdija Pozderac found the right anti-fascist orientation at a crucial moment in his personal life and followed that popular line of conduct in the turbulent and in many respects decisive moments that emerged after the 1941 war and German occupation. Quisling Ustasha state of the Independent State of Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fight against fascism and against Ustashaism and Chetnikism in our country, and for a different future and, above all, for the recognition of the right of its peoples to freedom and equality, was an orientation without an alternative.
Only those who opted for the partisan movement made the right choice and literally saved the then Muslims, and today Bosniaks, and secured them a place among the victorious nations in the war, thus introducing them to the political and constitutional structure of the new state. peoples in the then Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Mrkonjić-Grad in 1943, created a sovereign Bosnian state, restored after 480 years from the day of its collapse. That is the first great merit of Hamdija Pozderac.
His other great merit is that he was among those few far-sighted communists in Bosnia and Herzegovina who realized in time that Bosnia and Herzegovina had no future if it was treated by putting itself in a position of waiting for the final historical solutions that communism would bring. when it is finally realized. Hamdija Pozderac advocated reliance on his own strength.

The third important characteristic of Hamdija Pozderac's work, which certainly provides him with a prominent place in the recent history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, consists in the indisputable fact of recognizing Muslims and Bosniaks as a people and positive affirmation of state individuality and independent policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. and Herzegovina as a state in relation to its own internal development.
Hamdija Pozderac was strongly and sincerely loyal to what he believed in, and that was communism. He unreservedly and almost boyishly naively trusted his party comrades to the last breath. According to the people, who loved him, mostly because of his naturalness and simplicity, from time to time he knew how to be rude, exclusive and unjust.

Agrokomerc affair

Hamdija Pozderac has become and will undoubtedly become a significant political figure in our recent history and in the way that the enemies of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the enemies of the then Muslims, today's Bosniaks, removed him from political life and from the life scene.
The aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the genocide against Bosniaks have long been prepared in the Serbian intellectual, political, military and church leadership. That leadership was maintained for a long time by the abuse of the Yugoslav name, through which it has had supremacy in these geopolitical areas and over the peoples who live there since 1918. When that political formula was exhausted, the Yugoslav state came into crisis, the situation required a responsible reconstruction of the common state on the basis of real, not just declarative equality.
The rigged Agrokomerc affair, which "began to unravel" in the summer of 1987, was the beginning of a process in which pro-Bosnian and especially Bosniak political and other cadres were dethroned at all levels, as well as the most compact Bosniak area - Cazinska Krajina.

In that way, Bosniaks were gradually and studiously, both those who protested and those who kept silent about it without protesting, removed from the sphere where they could possibly have a moral obligation to do something.
Since 1987, all moral actions have had major consequences. Comrade Dusko Zgonjanin, the Minister of Police, was the most focused at that time, "as a true democrat and savior of the system." In this process, reality changed as the inhuman became and interpreted as human, and camouflaged inhumanity was portrayed as humanism.
The culmination of that overture "for what will come" in 1992 was the political and physical assassination of the then Vice President of the SFRY Presidency and President of its Constitutional Commission Hamdija Pozderac (who according to the then constitutionally regulated automatism) was to become President of the Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It was the beginning of an open anti-moral war or the beginning of an indoctrination aimed at compensating one moral system for other rules.

So far, a dozen books have been written about the Agrokomerc affair, several master's and doctoral dissertations have been defended, and hundreds of articles, essays and studies have been written. Based on everything we know about who, when, why and with what goals and results he organized that unheard of chase and persecution of people in the center of which was actually Hamdija Pozderac, we can say with certainty that Hamdija Pozderac was the first victim planned carried out Greater Serbia propaganda, political and police aggression against the then sovereign and later independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that this aggression was only a rehearsal for the future real military aggression that would soon follow. This fact in itself gives Hamdija Pozderac the dimensions of a very important and significant historical figure.
Becoming a victim of the aggression of Greater Serbia's plans for control over Yugoslavia, Hamdija Pozderac entered the annals of our history as the first victim of the aggressive policy of Greater Serbia nationalism towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and the one on whose fate the fate of our country could be predicted in the near future.

The fact that Hamdija Pozderac was taken as the main target of the enemies of Bosnia and Herzegovina speaks of how important his role was in what the planners of Greater Serbia politics were fighting against. It is this fact, whatever anyone thinks and says about him today and anything that can be justifiably objected to, that secures him a place in the narrow spectrum of people who died honorably defending their country and its peoples, advocating for a new democratic Bosnia and Herzegovina. but also Yugoslavia, in which all citizens and all its peoples will live freely and in equality.
It is known that in addition to Hamdija Pozderac, many people were exposed to great harassment, police and legal persecution, which had negative consequences for them and their families. Many of them, hundreds of people, due to systematic persecution, physical and psychological harassment and similar methods of spreading fear, fell into a state of helplessness and resignation, which caused them to fall into difficult mental states and end up in mental hospitals, committing suicide, died of sudden heart attacks and strokes.

Lessons and messages

Hamdija Pozderac was a sociologist by vocation. And one of the first sociologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In his destiny, however, he took Hamdija Pozderac into political and state affairs, in which, however, thanks to his personality, he kept his sociological breadth. When it comes to the life and death of Hamdija Pozderac, then it can be said that today's academic sociology functions more as a collective exercise for forgetting and closing one's eyes. Therefore, in order not to revise the basic assumptions in sociological discourse, one can do nothing but what one already has.
The Agrokomerc affair, but also the life and death of Hamdija Pozderac, became what they should not have become due to the lack of analytical and critical attitude, ie due to the dominant daily political attitude and attitude, due to the polarized fan attitude. The Agrokomerc affair, but also the life and death of Hamdija Pozderac, have become, and still are, weapons of daily politics and justification of various legitimate and illegitimate, justified and unjustified interests and attitudes and behavior, the subject of extensive psychological and political manipulations and the scene of hunting in the dark. important aspects.

The Agrokomerc affair, but also the life and death of Hamdija Pozderac, must finally begin to be spoken of in words of truth, and the truth itself must begin to be analyzed by the methods of cold scientific analysis provided by critical social science. If we want to really get to the truth about why it was created and how it was carried out and what goals it had, and what effects this affair had, we must try to completely block and exclude the subjective experience of the affair from our thoughts.
It is an indisputable fact that Hamdija Pozderac died as a result of severe mental, psychological and moral harassment to which he was exposed throughout the duration of the Agrokomerc affair. It all happened in the "presence of the authorities". It was sad, depressing and humiliating to watch, to put it mildly, the disorientation of the political and state elite, in its loss, in the fall of 1987, at such an important crossroads where Bosnia and Herzegovina and Tito's Yugoslavia found themselves.

The fact is that sociology in Bosnia and Herzegovina has so far not dealt with the life and death of a sociologist by vocation of Hamdija Pozderac in its own way, and professional sociological contribution to the study of his contribution to the development of Bosnian society and state is marginal and insignificant. Superficial sociological research that has already been done shows a justified suspicion that both the life and death of Hamdija Pozderac have more to say about the sociological state, then, than sociology, in its current state, can say about this historical figure.


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