Sentencing of war criminal Ratko Mladić

The O channel and Oslobođenja newsrooms are preparing a special program dedicated to the final sentencing of the war criminal Ratko Mladić. And our team will travel to The Hague, in order to watch the sentencing of the former commander of the Republika Srpska Army directly at the International Court for War Crimes Committed in the Former Yugoslavia on Tuesday, June 8.

- Reporter Indira Šahbazović will be reporting from The Hague, so viewers of the O channel will hear live and first-hand the statements after the verdict and the reactions of the representatives of the victims' association who will follow the verdict in the Mechanism for International Criminal Courts. We will also convey the comments of the defense and prosecution representatives. This special program of O channel starts at 14:15. It is a studio show hosted by editor and presenter Andi Mioč. His interlocutor in the first part of the program will be Assoc. Ph.D. Ermin Kuka, senior research associate of the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo. After that, at 4:30 p.m., we join live in the sentencing, and then we return to the studio again. Andi will talk to the guests, this time with representatives of the judiciary, lawyers, Hague investigators, representatives of victims' associations, explains Almir Šećkanović, director of O channel.

On that day, extraordinary news is planned in the O channel program, at 12:00 and 14:00. O channel reporters will broadcast reactions before and after the sentencing. Thus, Adisa Herco will speak from Srebrenica, Kenan Ćosić from Prijedor and Banja Luka, and Belmina Čorbić will be on the streets of Sarajevo.

- In Sarajevo, we will monitor the media conference of the Bosniak and Croat members of the BiH Presidency and all other reactions and possible gatherings. We will bring reactions from the region and the world. We will also broadcast the stories of the families of the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica, and show a retrospective of the Mladić case, as well as the chronology of the verdict itself, says Zerina Ćosić Vrabac, editor of the O channel news program.

You will be able to follow all the information before and after the pronouncement of the final verdict on Ratko Mladić, as well as the reactions of officials and the public, on the portal Prof. will write for the daily newspaper Oslobođenje before the verdict. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović, Director of the Institute for Research on Crimes Against Humanity and International Law at the University of Sarajevo. Moment of truth prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović will be published in the section Views, in the weekend edition of Oslobođenje (June 5 and 6, 2021). For Oslobođenje, the verdict is spoken and written by dr. Emir Suljagić, director of the Potočari Memorial Center and Đuro Kozar, regular columnist.



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