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Promotion of Denis Bećirović's book about Serbia's territorial expansionism towards Bosnia and Herzegovina

As it was pointed out during the promotion of the book at the National Theater in Tuzla, it is a historical, sociological and political work.

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Standard Post with Gallery

The KS Memorial Fund and the Institute for Crime Research signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

The memorandum was signed by prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović on behalf of the Institute and Assoc. Ph.D. Ahmed Kulanić on behalf of the Memorial Fund.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Promotion of the book "Territorial expansionism of Serbia towards Bosnia and Herzegovina (1804-2020)", authored by prof. Ph.D. Denis Bećirović in Tuzla

The book will be promoted by: academician, prof. Ph.D. Mirko Pejanović, prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović, prof. Ph.D. Senadin Lavić, prof. Ph.D. Tomislav Išek, assistant professor Ph.D. Benjamina Karić, prof. Ph.D. Sead Selimović and Prof. Ph.D. Senaid Hadzic.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Kuka: Condemning and preventing the gathering of Chetniks in Visegrad is everyone's duty

He assessed that the goal is also to intimidate the small number of Bosniaks in Višegrad, through the military deployment of Chetniks and the use of Chetnik iconography and terminology.

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Promotion of the war monography about Hadžići

The authors of this monumental publication of 409 pages are dr. sc. Zilha Mastalić Košuta, Vahid Alađuz, prof. and M.Sc. sc. Elvedin Mulagić.

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