Promotion of Denis Bećirović's book about Serbia's territorial expansionism towards Bosnia and Herzegovina

The promotion of the book "Territorial expansionism of Serbia towards Bosnia and Herzegovina (1804 – 2020)" by Denis Bećirović was held last night in Tuzla.

As it was pointed out during the promotion of the book at the National Theater in Tuzla, it is a historical, sociological and political work, which talks about the causes, extent and consequences of the genocide against Bosniaks in the last 200 years and the lessons that were not learned.

It was also stated that the scientific work was written by a university professor and a high-ranking politician, and the importance of the book is immeasurable, first of all for students, professors, but also for the academic community as a whole.

"In any case, it will fill the void for all other people who know little or nothing about this topic," said Rasim Muratović, one of the promoters of the book and director of the Institute for Researching Crimes Against Humanity and International Law at the University of Sarajevo.

The work brings with it several basic messages, and as it was said at the promotion, territorial expansionism in this part of Europe is a constant source and generator of evil, which causes instability, restlessness and insecurity.

"Territorial expansionism of Serbia towards Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a substantial constant of politics for at least the last two centuries. The epilogue of such a policy in Serbia is catastrophic - hundreds of thousands of dead, millions expelled and displaced, whole generations poisoned by extremism and chauvinism, and lagging behind in cultural, scientific, economic and every other in the sense of the developed part of Europe and the world," said Bećirović.

He states that the book also sends a message that aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity and evil are repeatable, which is why we all have to be careful.

"Also, the book talks about the unacceptable and inadmissible stereotypical characterization of entire peoples and their portrayal in dehumanizing plays. Therefore, there are no good and bad peoples, but good and bad policies. One of the messages is that the future of BiH and Serbia should to be in mutual cooperation, on an equal footing, and not constant tensions, conflicts and clashes," the author stressed.

Among the promoters of the book last night at the National Theater in Tuzla was Senadin Lavić, a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo, who believes that the topic covered by this work has had a direct impact on the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its internal socio-historical processes for two centuries.

"Professor Bećirović showed his historical and sociological skills to notice an important process concerning the hegemony of Serbia, which has BiH as its main subject, or what we can say, the Bosnian historical-political space. In that Greater Serbian hegemony, an unrealistic content and an ahistorical structure can be recognized that Bosnia is allegedly an age-old Serbian country. That premise is an absolute lie and all the conclusions drawn in Serbian historiography and politics are absolutely false," says Lavić.

With scientific argumentation, Bećirović, as stated by Lavić, showed that this Great Serbian hegemonism is an expression of unscientific and unhistorical intentions of a part of the Serbian people, which is oriented towards spreading lies, instead of developing the quality of life in Serbia.

The mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karić, believes that the topic of territorial expansionism is extremely topical. At this moment, when Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the biggest political and constitutional-legal crisis, according to Karić, we realize how topical the topic of the book is and how important it is for intellectuals to pay attention to everything Bećirović wrote.

"We study history, not only in order to learn something about our past, but also in order to learn important lessons for the future. It is in this way that the lessons of this book are even more important. If we look at the situation in Europe and the world, then we get an even broader meaning of that the book we are promoting. Therefore, it is not only relevant for Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also for Europe and the world," Karić believes.

From last night's promotion, messages were also sent that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country with a strong and stable history, along with people and scientists who will fight for a brighter and better future - through scientific work and historical research, in order to pave a good and bright path for children and the future.


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