Kuka: Condemning and preventing the gathering of Chetniks in Visegrad is everyone's duty

- The announced gathering and formation of members and sympathizers of the Ravnogorsk Chetnik movement, on the anniversary of the arrest of the Chetnik general and World War II criminal Dragoljub Draža Mihailović, shows that even in the 21st century, the Chetnik ideology lives on and causes unrest among Bosniaks - he said. for Preporod.info doc. Ph.D. Ermin Kuka, senior research associate at the Institute for Research on Crimes against Humanity and International Law.

The Chetniks announced the new gathering on Sunday, March 13, and dr. Kuka believes that the members and sympathizers of the Chetnik movement in Ravnagora want to emphasize the continuity of the existence of that ideology, which resulted in horrific mass and individual crimes against Bosniaks, especially in Podrinje.

- Višegrad, a pre-war peaceful multi-ethnic city, was precisely targeted by the members of the Ravnogorsk Chetnik movement as fertile ground for promoting and affirming the criminal Chetnik ideology. Višegrad has been promoted for many years as a place of glorification of crimes, criminals and their sympathizers. And the announced gathering is only one part of such activities - he said.

He assessed that the goal is also to intimidate the small number of Bosniaks in Višegrad, through the military deployment of Chetniks and the use of Chetnik iconography and terminology.

He believes that the members of the Chetnik movement in Ravnagore are especially encouraged after the acquittal of the first-instance verdict of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in December 2021 for three of their members.

- Repeated calls for slaughter and hell on the Drina from 2019 in Visegrad are becoming completely normal. The fact is that this is a classic fascist rampage, with which devotees of the Chetnik ideology, in due time, can achieve their goal and sick plan - the creation of ethnically clean spaces, and the erasure of the identity of Višegrad as a Bosnian city. A city that is a paradigm of the crime of burning civilians. The city where the crimes were committed, which the judges of the Hague Tribunal characterized as the worst examples of inhuman actions of one man towards another - stressed Dr. Hook.

Condemning and preventing such gatherings and rampages is the duty of the entire civilized world, he said in an interview for our portal.

- This is an obligation towards all surviving victims of the genocide against Bosniaks in Višegrad - concluded Assoc. Ph.D. Ermin Kuka, senior research associate at the Institute for Research on Crimes against Humanity and International Law.

Source: Preporod.info


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