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The forum "January 9 - legal and historical truths" was held in Sarajevo

On this occasion, the opening presentations on the legal and historical facts and aspects of January 9 were made by the emeritus prof. Ph.D. Kasim Trnka and Ph.D. Muamer Džananović.

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Standard Post with Gallery

The unconstitutional commemoration of January 9 represents the demolition of the Dayton Agreement and introduces Bosnia and Herzegovina into a legal state of emergency

The current complex social and political situation requires decisive and clearly legally based action, not empty public announcements and rhetorical threats.

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Presentation of the project "Children in Mostar 1992 - 1995 - Everyday life and suffering"

The aforementioned scientific research project was approved by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science for the year 2023.

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Standard Post with Gallery

It wasn't meant to happen again, but it happened again: Can genocide be prevented?

For years, the term genocide has been the subject of discussion by politicians and diplomats, lawyers and legal experts, historians and social science experts, as well as various other intellectuals and the general public.

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Standard Post with Gallery

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