The unconstitutional commemoration of January 9 represents the demolition of the Dayton Agreement and introduces Bosnia and Herzegovina into a legal state of emergency

After an exhaustive presentation on legal and historical facts related to January 9, the presenters of the forum, emeritus prof. dr. Kasim Trnka and Assoc. Ph.D. Muamer Džananović, moderated by M.Sci. Emir Zlatar, it was explained why January 9 is not and cannot be the Day of the RS entity. Nevertheless, officials and institutions of the RS, despite the two decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH from 2013 and 2019, which ruled that January 9 cannot be the Day of the RS Entities, again celebrated this unconstitutional date.

That is why we have the obligation to warn and inform the public of Bosnia and Herzegovina that the celebration of January 9, as the unconstitutional Day of the RS, collapsed the constitutional and legal order of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in a very serious and planned way, that the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not respond adequately, and that Bosnia and Herzegovina is in a state of emergency. Urgent mobilization at the institutional level in BiH and strong support of the witnesses to the Dayton Agreement is necessary.

The current complex social and political situation requires decisive and clearly legally based action and not empty public announcements and rhetorical threats that are not backed by the institutional capacity of state institutions.

In accordance with the above and on the occasion of the illegal marking of January 9 as the Day of the RS entity, we request from domestic and international officials:

     - We request the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina to immediately initiate investigations against the authorized persons who approved the funds for illegal embezzlement on January 9. If the Prosecutor's Office of BiH does not do the same within the legal deadlines, we request the HJPC of BiH to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH;
      - That all authorized persons in the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council of Ministers and ministries and all state institutions, agencies and institutions initiate proceedings against all state officials, employees and employees who participated in any way in the unconstitutional celebration of January 9 as RS Day;
      - We request the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina to immediately invite the ambassadors of the Russian Federation, Serbia and Hungary for consultations in the context of their engagement and statements on the occasion of January 9, as well as to send notes to the presidents and prime ministers of these countries with adequate explanations about the roles of their ambassadors in Bosnia and Herzegovina ;
     - We request RAKBIH to immediately begin the analysis of RTRS TV programs regarding the broadcasts and TV broadcasts of all events related to the commemoration of January 9;
     - We expect SNSD's partners in the government at the BiH level to publicly and clearly state without delay the unconstitutional activities of SNSD officials on the occasion of January 9 and the political measures they will take in this matter;
     - We are expecting a statement from the top of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the role and public speeches on the occasion of the religious ceremonies they held on the occasion of January 9;
     - We demand a clear and urgent reaction of the OHR office, in accordance with the powers given to it by the Dayton Agreement and the Bonn powers, in the context of the overthrow of the constitutional legal order of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the officials of the RS entity and members of the BiH Presidency from among the Serbian people;



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