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Standard Post with Gallery

The Day of Russian Volunteers is being celebrated in Visegrad again this year: How did they come and what did they do in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On the occasion of the announcement of the event "Commemoration of the Day of Russian Volunteers", the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina filed a case, and spoke with political scientist Ermin Kuk about the arrival of these volunteers i

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Standard Post with Gallery

A delegation from the Institute for the Study of Crimes against Humanity and International Law visited Sapna

The Mayor expressed readiness for any kind of cooperation and support to the activists of the Institute in their work.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Minister Husić-Mehmedović and Rector Škrijelj visited the Institute

The visit was used to present to the management of the institute the activities of the Ministry related to the preparation of a new law on higher education.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Visit to the Association of Genocide Victims and Witnesses

On that occasion, the president of the Association Murat Tahirović and the director of the Institute prof. dr. Muratović discussed the current activities of these two institutions.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Support for the organization of an international scientific conference on the Srebrenica Genocide

The conference was attended by 72 exhibitors from the country and abroad, and as one of the results of the Conference will be the publication of proceedings.

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