Minister Husić-Mehmedović and Rector Škrijelj visited the Institute

On 9 March 2021, as part of the continuation of the visit to the University of Sarajevo organizational units, Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth of KS, Prof. Dr. Melika Husić-Mehmedović and University of Sarajevo Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj visited the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law.

The visits were used to present to the management of the institute the activities of the Ministry related to the preparation of the new law on higher education, as well as the law on scientific research, and the current processes conducted at the level of the Ministry. In her addresses, Minister Husić-Mehmedović emphasized that the visits to scientific institutes were organized in order to see the circumstances in which the institutes operate, as well as the priorities and problems that need to be addressed in the synergy of the University and the Ministry. She also emphasized the importance of scientific institutes and their contribution to the creation of a better and more stimulating scientific research environment, and the development of society through excellence in science.

During the visit, the employees of the Institute presented to Minister Husić-Mehmedović the key activities and results from the work activity, and especially emphasized the achievements in the publishing activity, and presented the infrastructural capacities.

During the visit, Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law Director, Prof. Dr. Rasim Muratović presented the development of the Institute since its establishment, human and spatial capacities, and reminded that the Institute scientifically and professionally investigates and deals with crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity and other serious violations of international humanitarian law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. and abroad, from the historical, criminological, legal, economic, demographic, sociological, political, cultural, medical, ecological and other aspects of importance for a comprehensive scientific and professional understanding of these crimes. He especially emphasized the work of the Institute on the conceptualization and development of scientific research projects, and underlined almost all the research of the Institute includes very demanding and expensive field work. Director Muratović also stated that in 2020, preparations began for the publication of the Institute's journal - the Institute's Yearbook in Bosnian and English, which will be the first journal in the Balkans specialized in researching war crimes and genocide crimes.


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