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Standard Post with Gallery

Press conference of JU "KS Memorial Fund" on the announced reconstruction of the cooperative in Kravica - invitation to the media

Kravica was the site of the first mass execution on July 13, 1995, where, according to the judgments of the Hague Tribunal and the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, more than 1,000 people were killed.

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Support for the organization of the international scientific conference on the Genocide in Srebrenica

Along with Prime Minister Halilagić, today's meeting was attended by the Minister of Education and Science Ahmed Omerović and the Prime Minister's advisor TK Hasan Fehratović, while along with the rectors, a member of the Organizing Committee, director of

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Standard Post with Gallery

Ermin Kuka: Serbs are not a genocidal nation, but most of them support the ideologies that led to the most serious crimes

"We live in a time when, through celebrating and glorifying crimes and criminals, one tries to maintain the charge within the masses."

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Standard Post with Gallery

Recognition for Hamd Ejubović

The Institute for Crime Research today awarded a certificate of appreciation to the Mayor of Hadžići Municipality, Mr. Hamdo Ejubović, for his support and contribution to science and scientific research in the field of the war history of Bosnia and Herzeg

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Standard Post with Gallery

The liberation of Vlašić was the most brilliant victory of the ARBiH: What preceded it

The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina decided on April 4, 1992 to mobilize TO units of all municipalities and the city of Sarajevo.

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