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Standard Post with Gallery

The importance of the anti-fascist resistance movement for the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The achievement of state independence and its defense in 1992 - 1995 is another major historical milestone in favor of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which would hardly have been achieved without the one from 1943.

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Standard Post with Gallery

The promotion of the monograph "Living Bonfire - Pioneer Street in Višegrad (June 14, 1992)"

The promoters of the Monograph, which tells about one of the most monstrous crimes of the aggressors in the past war, were masters Almir Grabovica and Hamza Memišević and doctor Muamer Džananović.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Interview Dr. Muamer Džananović, Scientific Associate of the Institute, for the show "Sasvim iskreno"

dr. Muamer Džananović spoke for MTV Igman on several topics from the scope of work of the Institute.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Promotion of the book 'Living bonfire - Pionirska street in Višegrad (June 14, 1992)' in Goražde

The promotion will take place in the Small Hall of the Goražde Culture Center.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Director of the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović held a lecture on the topic "Holocaust of Jews and genocide of Bosniaks"

The lecture was held at the Tribune organized on the occasion of Tešanj Liberation Day.

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