The promotion of the monograph "Living Bonfire - Pioneer Street in Višegrad (June 14, 1992)"

As part of the celebration of September 18, Liberation Day, BPK Day and the City of Goražda, last night in the Small Hall of the Goražda Culture Center, the promotion of the scientific monograph "Living Bonfire-Pionirska Street in Višegrad (June 14, 1992)" authored by Assoc. Ermin Kuke, senior scientific associate of the University of Sarajevo - Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, published by the Association "Woman - Victim of War" from Sarajevo.

The promoters of the monograph, which tells about one of the most monstrous crimes of the aggressors in the past war, were masters Almir Grabovica and Hamza Memišević and doctor Muamer Džananović, and the introductions were by BPK Prime Minister Goražda Aida Obuća, president of the Association "Woman - Victim of War" Bakira Hasečić and prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović, Director of the Institute for Research on Crimes Against Humanity and International Law at the University of Sarajevo.

As the president of this association, Bakira Hasečić, said in her opening address, the main purpose and motive of creating this monograph is to offer the public the written truth about the most terrible crime against Bosniaks during the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-1995, which is the crime of burning civilians alive. women, children and the elderly, who were previously robbed, and some women and girls were raped and sexually abused.

"Visegrad is a city of living bonfires. In Visegrad, Bosniak civilians were burned alive because they were Bosniaks. The fire burns twice. The first time the one who lives up there. The second time those who are to blame for it - pointed out Hasečić. She thanked the Prime Minister and the Government of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton of Goražde for including the promotion of the monograph in the celebration of one of the most significant dates in the history of Goražde and this canton, thus expressing her support for the work of the Association "Woman Victims of War".

The Prime Minister of the Bosnian-Podrinj Canton of Goražde, Aida Obuća, said that it was an honor for her to be the keynote speaker at the promotion of this scientific monograph, especially on the occasion of a very important date for all of us, the 30th anniversary of the first liberation of Goražde, the Day of the Bosnian-Podrinj Canton and the City of Goražda. She congratulated Bakira Hasečić and the members of the "Woman - Victim of War" Association for their courage and persistent fight for the truth and punishment of criminals.

- I congratulate the "Woman - Victim of War" Association, led by our dear Bakira Hasečić, for the tireless fight to bring the truth and justice to light, to keep the testimony of these crimes forever recorded and scientifically based, so that no one would ever doubt or refute them . And those who dispute our history, who deny their crimes and criminal intentions, unfortunately, are increasing. Our weapon and tool is the truth and when then, it will win", said Prime Minister BPK Goražde Aida Obuća.

According to her, Goražde and Višegrad are fatefully linked in their history and the events of the defensive-liberation war of 1992-1995, as well as in the post-war support for returnees, and the support of the Government of the Bosnian-Podrinje Canton of Goražde will not be lacking in such projects in the future.

The author of the work, Assoc. Ph.D. Ermin Kuka, senior research associate at the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, says that the monograph is the truth and the best weapon with which to fight against all the innocent Bosniak civilians who were burned alive in the house of Adem Omeragić in Pionirska Street in Višegrad on June 14, 1992 . years will not be forgotten.

” It is not a book about death, but actually a book about life and truth. It is also an appeal to end the long-standing vow of silence of the perpetrators of the heinous crime of burning Bosniak civilians in Višegrad and all neighbors of Višegrad of Serbian nationality," he said.

According to one of the promoters dr. sc. According to Muamer Džananović, scientific associate of UNSA - Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, the burning of Bosniak civilians alive was a widespread phenomenon in Visegrad and therefore one of the key determinants of the crimes committed in this municipality during the aggression.

"Today, criminals and these crimes are celebrated and glorified, their deeds are promoted... Our obligation is that the two-day-old baby 'who was last heard from', the remaining alive burnt children (thirteen in total), their mothers and other victims of this crime, as well as others crimes, of course, let's not forget them and mention and remind them every day. Some Bosniaks say that this is how we carry out the 'terror of memory', we do not agree with them" - says Džananović.

As it was pointed out at the promotion, the scientific and professional treatment of this form of crime is the need and demand of today's time, and at the same time the obligation of the surviving victims to leave an eternal written trace and memorial to the innocent victims, who were burned and killed solely and only because they were Muslims ( Bosniaks) - this obligation to leave a written record about it is the basic motive for writing this monograph.

The monograph was written bilingually (Bosnian and English), so that it could be a source of true insights and knowledge for all interested foreign guests, scientists, researchers, students, and the income from its sale is intended for the production of another monograph that will document in the same way the second crime of mass burning of Bosniak civilians in Višegrad, i.e. live bonfire on Bikavac.



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