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Standard Post with Gallery

Historiography and historical sources about the genocide in Srebrenica

The work of the scientific associate of the Institute Merisa Karović Babić, published in the proceedings of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Contributions to the Historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-2007)", under the

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Standard Post with Gallery

A monstrous crime that "no one saw or heard": 28 years after the live bonfire, the citizens of Višegrad are still silent

Adem Omeragić's house in Pionirska Street in Višegrad 28 years ago, on June 14, 1992, was the scene of a horrific crime where at least 60 Bosniak civilians, mostly women, children and the elderly, were burned alive.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Ph.D.Sc. Amir Kliko: Croatian children were never the target of ARBiH snipers and artillerymen in Vitez

Writing his book about the war in central Bosnia in 1992-1994. In 1993, I came across information about the death of five children of Croatian nationality and the serious wounding of three more in Vitez on June 10, 1993, who soon died as a result of their

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Standard Post with Gallery

Invitation to the conference 'Genocide Of Bosniaks, Srebrenica - 1995 - 2020 - Causes, extent and consequences'

The conference will be held in October in Sarajevo.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Australia: Victoria University catered to anti-Bosniak ideologies

Australia's Victoria University has removed material related to crimes against Bosnian Muslims from its human rights lectures.

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