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Scientific panel in Goražde: It is an obligation to remember committed crimes

On genocide and other crimes against values protected by international law committed in Bosnian Podrinje in 1992-1995. year, as well as the importance of scientific research on crime, was spoken by dr. sc. Muamer Džananović.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Round table on the topic "Report of the Independent International Commission for the Investigation of the Suffering of Serbs in Sarajevo from 1991 to 1995 and Historical Revisionism"

Merisa Karović-Babić and Zilha Mastalić Košuta, research associates of the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, participated in the round table.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Karović-Babić: Resolution 819 did not state that Srebrenica should be demilitarized

Merisa Karović Babić, research associate of the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, was a guest on Al Jazeera Balkans where she spoke about Srebrenica as a safe zone.

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Srebrenica scenes of Dante's Inferno

The killing of "Turks" in the minds of the immediate perpetrators of crimes against Bosniaks in Srebrenica was experienced as a justified and just act.

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dr. Kliko: Genocide deniers create a strong incentive for young researchers

Science will deal with the genocide in Srebrenica even after the biological disappearance of the generation of victims and their killers.

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