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Standard Post with Gallery

What is the saving formula for Bosnia and Herzegovina and can NATO preserve the already "shaky" peace

The period of the nineties of the twentieth century was a certain turning point for Bosnia and Herzegovina in international relations. After the dissolution of the SFRY, that period also represents the era of tailoring the new world order when the Western

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Standard Post with Gallery

War criminal Radoslav Brđanin died

The man from Brđa was released a few days ago after serving two-thirds of his sentence for war crimes, and he arrived in Banja Luka in poor health.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Killing the heroic city with impunity

The first indictment, which fully refers to the crimes of the RS Army committed in the area of Goražde municipality, was brought only 24 years after the signing of the Dayton Agreement. So far, one defendant has been acquitted, and the trial of two has be

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Standard Post with Gallery

Markale, August 28, 1995: "The Last Circle of Dante's Inferno"

Shocking footage after the massacre in Markale was broadcast on many TV stations in the country and around the world, and the crime itself was met with numerous reactions from both international and domestic officials.

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Standard Post with Gallery

30th anniversary of the 1st Army Corps of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The 30th anniversary will be celebrated for three days, from August 30 to September 1, at various locations in Sarajevo.

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