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Standard Post with Gallery

Round Table in New York: The Journey of the Sarajevo Haggadah

The organizer of this gathering was The International Lab for Research and Leadership in Interfaith Collaboration and Coexistence

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Standard Post with Gallery

Dr. Hikmet Karčić gave a lecture to American students about the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina

During his lecture, which was attended by students and university staff, Dr. Karčić presented the main segments from his book "Torture, Humiliate, Kill: Inside the Bosnian Serb Camp System".

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Standard Post with Gallery

Round Table “Transitional Justice: A Case Study of Višegrad” Held at IUS

The aim of this round table discussion was to set out the difficulties faced in the establishment of transitional justice and implementation of its aims.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Round table 'Transitional Justice: A Case Study of Višegrad'

prof. Ph.D. David Pettigrew, Mrs. Bakira Hasečić, Ph.D. sci. Ermin Kuka and prof. Ph.D. Ena Kazic Cakar will be speaking at the round table.

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Standard Post with Gallery

The historical right of Bosnia and Herzegovina to choose the status of a sovereign and independent state

In the period of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from the First World War to the Second World War, Bosnia and Herzegovina was outside the sphere of interest and occupation of the royal authority in the context of its development and progress.

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