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Standard Post with Gallery

Scientific research institute "Ibn Sina" organized a panel discussion on the occasion of the anniversary of the genocide

In this way, the Ibn Sina Institute strives to nurture the culture of memory by presenting facts with scientifically based topics.

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Standard Post with Gallery

The promotion of the book authored by Ph.D. Muamer Džananović, Ph.D. Jasmin Medić and Ph.D. Hikmet Karčić in Visoko

The promotion was held as part of the commemoration of the 28th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, and was attended by a large number of interested guests.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Promotion "Emergence of the Republic of Srpska: From regionalization to strategic goals (1991-1992)" on July 8 in Tuzla

The promotion will be held in the Blue Hall of BKC Tuzla starting at 7 p.m.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Promotion of the book "Emergence of the Republic of Srpska: From Regionalization to Strategic Goals (1991-1992)" in Zenica

The promotion will be held in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences starting at 7 p.m.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Promotion of the book "Emergence of the Republic of Srpska: From Regionalization to Strategic Goals (1991-1992)" in Visoko

The promotion will be held today, July 6, at KC Altindag.

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