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Standard Post with Gallery

Life in Srebrenica cannot be restored by a tiller, but by systemic and economic development

There is no stability in either the demographic or the economic sense, says Muratović. In Srebrenica, you have neither a baker, nor a shoemaker, nor a barber, but you have five betting shops.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Announcement of the second International Scientific Conference "Consequences of the genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica: Social, economic, political, demographic and cultural development of Srebrenica (1995-2022)."

The conference will be held on October 12, 2023 in the Potočari Memorial Center, starting at 10:00 a.m.

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Standard Post with Gallery

On the occasion of "Children's Week", a visit was made to the Memorial to the murdered children of besieged Sarajevo

"Children's Week" in the world is celebrated in the first week of October and aims to draw public attention to children and their rights guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Scientific associate dr. Hikmet Karčić held a lecture "Ghosts of the Past: Detention Camps and Memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina" in Graz

On October 4, 2023, research associate dr. Hikmet Karčić held a lecture at the Center for South-Eastern Europe of the University of Graz.

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Standard Post with Gallery

Ph.D. Hikmet Karčić promoted the book Deep Consequences of Genocide in BiH in Vienna

A panel discussion dedicated to the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its lasting consequences in Europe was held at the Vienna Academy of Education.

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