Promotion of the book "The Birth of the Republic of Srpska" in Bihać

Organized by the University of Bihać, the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy and the Life Association, the promotion of the book "The Origin of the Republic of Srpska" by dr. Hikmet Karčić, Ph.D. Jasmin Medić and others. Muamer Džananović. The book deals with the issue of crimes committed during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1992-1995. years and how the institutions of the Republika Srpska entity were formed.

The focus of the book is, as the subtitle says, on regionalization and strategic goals in the context of the formation of autonomous regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which in the period 1991-1992. became Republika Srpska.

- In our book, we actually show that January 9 is the end of the first phase of the establishment of the Republika Srpska. What is normally called in our collective narrative that it is the day of the beginning of the genocide, we consider that January 9 is only the end of the institutional preparation, that is, the formation of special services, agencies and bodies that then carried out crimes and genocide on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the court rulings, we can say that the Republika Srpska is a genocidal creation, because it is one complete territory that was founded on the basis of ethnic cleansing of the territory, the system of camps, mass crimes and rape, and this is a logical conclusion from all of that - explains Dr. Hikmet Karčić, one of the authors of the book.

All books written on this topic in Bosnia and Herzegovina mainly deal with the issue of crime, and the authors noticed that one important segment is missing, namely the preparations that led to war and aggression. That was also the motive to deal with the issue in more detail and at a scientific level.

- The work was written on the basis of primary archival material and very important documents. So, it is scientific and that was our primary goal and our guide through the writing of this work. It contains numerous documents, primarily from the Serbian Democratic Party, but also numerous other documents that were necessary to achieve the desired goal, and the primary goal was the desire to explain this phenomenon to the scientific and general public, both in the country and abroad. January 9, which is glorified and celebrated, and in that primary and initial idea we wanted to focus only on that event. Then, combining our knowledge, we estimated that it would be good if the focus of the work was on the entire year 1991 until May 12, 1992, because, according to us, all political and military goals had been finalized by then, that is, all political goals had been made public - he points out Ph.D. Muamer Džananović, also one of the authors of the book.

He adds that the year 1991 is important for the reason that in it, which can be seen through this book, genocidal intent was expressed, which is very important and difficult to prove, and that they managed to prove it through documentation and intercepted conversations of Serbian political leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, as well as the territorial claims of Great Britain towards Bosnia and Herzegovina which continue even today, but also anti-Islamism and an incredible hatred towards Islam and everything Islamic.



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