BOOK PUBLICATIONS "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SRB: From Regionalization to Strategic Goals (1991-1992)"

The Institute for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo and the Institute of History of the University of Sarajevo published the book: "THE EMERGENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA: From regionalization to strategic goals (1991-1992)", authored by Dr. Muamer Džananović, Ph.D. Jasmin Medić and others. Hikmet Karcic.

The book represents the consolidated multi-year scientific research of the author. It is systematized in six chapters and written on the basis of primary archival material. A small part of excerpts or entire documents can be found in the appendices of the book.

The reviewers of the book are: academician, prof. Ph.D. Mirko Pejanović, prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović, Ph.D. Amir Kliko, prof. Ph.D. Ehlimana Memišević and prof. Ph.D. Hariz Halilovich. The editor of the book is M.Sc. Almir Grabovica.

Academician, prof. Ph.D. Mirko Pejanović (Vice President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina) states in his review, among other things, that "the book represents the first comprehensive study of the origins of the Republic of Srpska and focuses on all important decisions made during 1991 and the first half of 1992. The work will have a very significant role in the education of students at the faculties of humanities and social sciences. Also, the book can serve the social and political institutions of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as international institutions, to first of all understand, but also protect the independence, sovereignty and international recognition of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina."

Prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović (Director of the Institute for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo) states that "at a time when the genocide against Bosniaks is denied in various ways, when it is commemorated, celebrated and glorified "9. January" the day when the "Republic of Srpska" was declared unconstitutional and illegal, the least that science owes is to explain the phenomenon of the origin, that is, the origin of the so-called Republika Srpska. The authors incorporated their scientific, primarily empiric research and wrote a work that is of immeasurable importance for Bosnian society and Bosnian science. The act fully explains the motive, method, and reason for declaring the so-called of Republika Srpska and its institutions."

dr. Amir Kliko (Institute for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo) writes in the review that "the authors, using primary sources, explain the unconstitutional and illegal activities of SDS leaders and members in Bosnia and Herzegovina during 1991 and the first half of 1992." By giving the necessary historical overview that explains the origin of the idea of creating a Serbian state west of the Drina River, the authors have written a significant work for several scientific fields and disciplines, but also a socially necessary and necessary work."

Prof. Ph.D. Ehlimana Memišević (Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo) states that this book "represents the first comprehensive analysis of the process of creating the Republika Srpska entity, which included the commission of genocide, as Ratko Mladić himself characterized the six strategic goals that at the 16th session of the Assembly (unilaterally declared ) of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented by its president Radovan Karadžić. A particularly significant contribution of this book, for understanding the process of the creation of the Republika Srpska and the repetition of the crime of genocide against the Bosniak population at the end of the 20th century, is the consideration of the context of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the process of the creation of Balkan nation-states and organized violence against the Balkan Muslim population."

Prof. Ph.D. In his review, Hariz Halilovich (RMIT University, Melbourne) writes, among other things, that "the book is intended for the academic public (researchers, students, experts) who study the recent political history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also for all those who personally or institutionally are interested in the phenomena of politically motivated violence, post-genocide societies and cause-and-effect relationships between nationalist projects and violence... I believe that the publication of this work is absolutely necessary because it contains original scientific contributions and, for the most part, unpublished or uninterpreted material on historical facts. , documents and events related to the understanding of the circumstances that preceded the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina and the crimes that were part of a wide spectrum of politically motivated violence with the aim of creating the "Republic of the Serbian People in Bosnia and Herzegovina". Therefore, the work is of exceptional importance and will contribute to the scientific understanding of the transformation of nationalist rhetoric into a concrete and systematic campaign of violence whose original intention and final result was the genocide of Bosniaks."

Several promotions of the book are planned in the country and abroad, and the promotion in Sarajevo is scheduled for April 25, 2023 in the Sarajevo City Hall.


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