The book that caused great public interest: How the Republika Srpska was created

Published by the Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo and the Institute of History of the University of Sarajevo, the book 'The Origin Republika Srpska: From Regionalization to Strategic Goals (1991-1992)', co-authored by dr. Muamer Džananović, Ph.D. Hikmet Karčić and dr. Jasmin Medić.

Due to the intriguing topic, the book has already attracted great interest from the local and regional public.

"Jasmin Medić, Hikmet Karčić and Muamer Džananović are serious people. They understand that when we talk about genocide, we should talk from the beginning - and the beginnings of every crime of the system lie in its political decisions," wrote Dr. Emir Suljagić, director of the Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial Center.

We will not be silenced

In an interview with the portal, Jasmin Medić says that this book was created with the goal "to describe the origin of this creation and to answer all those who keep silent about historical facts".

According to him, the goal was to make a scientific contribution on the subject of the origin of the RS, but also to send the message "that they cannot silence us".

"With the book, we want to give the entire public, both in the region and beyond, a contribution to the understanding of the origin of RS west of the Drina. Its origin is not a reflection of spontaneous political moves, but goes deep into the past. Whenever Serbian nationalists had the opportunity, they used it to commit crimes against Bosniaks, Croats, but also those Serbian civilians who did not accept Serbian nationalist politics. The origin and existence of the RS should be viewed in that context," says Dr. Medić for the portal.

Furthermore, dr. Džananović explains that with this work they wanted to "present the reasons and motives for the creation of the RS, and prove that the separatist ideas and strategic goals of the then leaders could not be realized in any other way than through genocide".

"The separatist ideas and 'strategic goals' are not being abandoned even today. Celebrating, glorifying, denying the genocide and celebrating the '9th of January 1992.' are just some of the activities that are organized and supported by the political structures in the RS today. This work is also a scientific response to the increasingly frequent attempts to rewrite history and attempts to relativize and deny crimes. Accordingly, it is also a response to all revisionist circles in the service of politics.", Džananović tells us.

A reply to all revisionists

According to dr. Karčić, previous literature has mainly focused on the war period. Therefore, they felt that it would be very useful to cover the events that preceded the year 1992.

"For any understanding of organized violence and genocide, it is necessary to analyze the socio-political activities that led to it. Through this publication, we try to give a brief insight into the most important activities and events during 1991 and 1992," said Dr. Karcic.

Dr. Medić concludes that this book is also "our answer to all revisionists, mythomaniacs and those who use science for political purposes, or rather abuse it".

"When someone wants to present the RS to us as an expression of one's freedom, they should also show the other side of the medal, which is that its creation was prepared for a long time and that through that creation, hatred towards non-Serb peoples was an important factor. Among other things, this is also discussed in the book we're talking," concluded dr. Medic.



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