Scientific conference and exhibition '9. January - Road to Genocide'

Text: Darinka Mitrović, PHOTO: FENA /Amer Kajmović


The scientific meeting and exhibition of the Archives of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina called "January 9 - The Road to Genocide" today gathered numerous guests at the National Theater in Sarajevo with the aim of contributing to the fight against falsification and rewriting of the recent past through the presentations of the participants and the presentation of authentic documents.

The opening address was given by the Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fadil Novalić, and the Director of the Archives of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hajrudin Ćuprija, while the members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Željko Komšić and Denis Bećirović, introduced and sponsored the scientific meeting.

In his address, Director of the Archives of the Federation of BiH, Hajrudin Ćuprija, reminded of the role of archives in the modern environment, and noted that they play a major role in creating the collective identity of a society. He emphasized that the FBiH Archives realized four major scientific projects in one year - Three decades of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Female fighters of the RBiH Army, Documented but unjudged genocide, and today's "9. January – Road to Genocide”.

- This year, the commemoration of the unconstitutional January 9 is moving from Banja Luka to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or rather to its suburbs, despite the warning of the high representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christian Schmidt, who stressed that January 9 is unconstitutional, and that the decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH are final and binding and must be respected in the entire territory of BiH - stated Ćuprija.

He emphasized that lies can only be defeated by truth, ignorance by science, and evil by goodness.


The Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fadil Novalić, said that it was an honor for him to participate in this scientific gathering that brought together the tireless chroniclers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. the truth that the enemies of Bosnia and Herzegovina are trying to reshape. However, as he added, they are trying to reshape what is not possible, especially not with parades and celebrations of unconstitutional holidays, stressing that today in Bosnia and Herzegovina entity Republika Srpska celebrates a project created on the foundations of genocide, mass graves and aggression.

- We know the goals of the farce that we watch every January 9 on the streets of another entity as part of that project. These are the same strategic goals from 1992 that were the cornerstone of the genocide. And they celebrate those goals in front of the eyes of the whole world just as the genocide was committed in front of the eyes of the whole world. They are celebrating what has been proven by final verdicts for genocide and other war crimes and which has been proven unconstitutional - stressed Novalić.

BiH Presidency member Željko Komšić, among others, stated that the goal of the parade on January 9 is the government of the smaller BiH. entities, evoking memories of committing genocide, which they are proud of, intimidating the people, but also raising their own prices, first of all, among foreigners.

Komšić stated that in such and similar situations foreigners are always ready to run to those who are for the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of who is in power at that moment, and always with the question of what can be given to Dodik and the separatists in order to preserve stability and peace.

- However, and in this regard, I think it is finally time for us all to say together that we cannot and will not give anything to Dodik and the separatists, because they have too much anyway - said Komšić.

He added that the authorities of the RS entity, by celebrating the anniversary on January 9, are simultaneously covering up the fact that the Greater Serbian regime of Milosevic and Karadzic, even with the help of genocide, did not succeed in making part of Bosnia and Herzegovina part of Serbia.

The member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denis Bećirović, said that it is high time that the officials of the entity Republika Srpska and Serbia stop their anti-Dayton activities, as well as their immoral and anti-civilizational policy of denying the judicially and scientifically proven genocide against Bosniaks.

Bećirović said that at a time when separatist circles are targeting various untruths, falsifications and hoaxes, it is very important to use science and scientific facts to oppose genocide deniers.

He believes that scientific gatherings like today's are very important, because they provide a scientific valorization of undeniable facts and contribute to a comprehensive overview of the past from historical, legal, sociological, psychological and every other aspect.

The authors of the exhibition "9. January - The Road to Genocide" Muamer Džananović, Jasmin Medić and Hikmet Karčić stated that its goal, primarily for the sake of the victims and current and future generations, is to contribute to the fight for a narrative about the period of aggression.

Muamer Džananović, research associate of the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, said that the documents on display represent a systematization and selection from several thousand documents.

- One of the main goals of the exhibition is to present the spread, systematicity, long-term and persistence in the achievement of the established multi-century great state goal, and present the chronology of making numerous decisions, intercepted telephone conversations and other important documentation, focusing on the period from the beginning of '91. until January 9, '92. from which the genocidal intention is clear, visible and recognizable, but also the consistent conduct of criminal policy in the ultimate achievement of the goal during the period of aggression until the end of '95. - added Džananović.

Research associate of the Institute of History Jasmin Medić said that the exhibition is an indicator of how the creation of RS was prepared and that no civil or religious war was fought here.

- Today, those who inherit that heritage celebrate the way it was created in the third decade of the 21st century and have nothing to offer but the glorification of evil. They support the Russian invasion at a time when the world is condemning it. The international community can see for itself what kind of retrograde policies we are fighting against - stated Medić.

Director of the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law, Rasim Muratović, asked the question "what do we have today after the genocide of July 1995?".

- We have its denial, we have the confiscation of private land of Bosniaks in the RS, we have a ban on the use of the Bosnian language, Bosniaks are called Asians, Muslims... In science, this is called dehumanization of a group that is destined for genocide. What is happening today in Lukavica is an anti-civilization act, it is a celebration of genocide. Convicted war criminals are declared heroes, schools, streets, and institutions are named after them - said Muratović, and emphasized that there is a place in Bosnia and Herzegovina for all those who love it.

The director of MC Srebrenica Potočari, Emir Suljagić, stated that he is convinced that this entity will disappear one day "because there are no cities in that part of our country, and that is what creates growth, and it is all a deep province that responds to the name of Banja Luka and that it can't last".

After their speeches, "Srebrenica Inferno" was performed in the National Theater, and inserts from the film of the same name by Avda Huseinović were shown, in which the extent of the crimes that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina after that date were presented.


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