Dr. Kliko: The commemoration of January 9 is a celebration of the results of genocide and other forms of war crimes

Text: Fedzad Forto, PHOTO: FENA /Fena

The commemoration of January 9 is a celebration of the results of genocide and other forms of war crimes for which the founders of Republika Srpska were convicted before the international court in The Hague, Dr. sc. Amir Kliko from the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo.

dr. Kliko recalls that at the end of the eighties of the 20th century, the republican leadership of Serbia caused a political crisis in Yugoslavia with the intention of using it for the realization of the Serbian great-state project conceived in the middle of the previous century.

- The Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) was formed to realize its intentions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By mid-1991, it had taken over the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA). At the same time, she disarmed the Territorial Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Those were the first and most important preparations for the Serbian aggression against it through the Serbian parastate, which the SDS declared on January 9, 1992 - he pointed out.

He further states that from the end of the summer of 1991 until the beginning of the spring of the following year, the JNA occupied without a fight most of the territory that the Serbian nationalists envisioned for that parastate in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From its personnel and technical resources, the JNA formed the army of the Serbian parastatal in the middle of spring.

- The creation, maintenance and territorial unification of Republika Srpska with Serbia could not have been achieved without genocide and other forms of war crimes against Bosniaks and Croats, because they, together, were the majority population in most of the occupied territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In May 1992, in Banja Luka, Radovan Karadžić announced the wartime strategic goals of the Serbian parastate, which Ratko Mladić recognized as genocide - reminded Dr. Click before the celebration of the Unconstitutional Day of the RS on January 9.


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