Round table in Vareš: Every sacrifice is important

The Directorate for Foreign Affairs and Diaspora at Rijaset of the Islamic Community (IZ) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Mufti of Sarajevo, the Majlis of the Islamic Community (MIZ) Vareš and the Association "Zvijezda" organized a round table on the topic "Crimes of the HVO in Stupno Dol 1993". .

The goal of the event was to point out the gravity of the crimes committed in the area of Vareš during the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The representative of the Directorate for Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Medina Mehmedović-Mulalić, said that the Rijaset of the Islamic Community provides support to associations of war victims, especially associations of women victims, as part of its activities.

- By organizing such round tables, we also give support to smaller places where crimes are committed that are no less serious. Rijaset has in its annual plan the commemoration of the anniversary of the suffering in Srebrenica and Prijedor, and these events draw attention to other places of suffering as well - said Mehmedović-Mulalić.

She reminded that so far round tables have been held in Goražde, Prijedor and Han Ploča.

- It is important to talk about Stupni Dol in a scientific way and with scientific facts. The best witnesses survived, and it is of great importance that each place of suffering is marked, scientifically processed and attention given to each victim, because each victim is important. The perpetrators must own up to their mistakes in order for this country to move forward. We will remember and remind - added Mehmedović-Mulalić.

Opening speeches were given by Ramiz-ef. Zubača, the chief imam of MIZ Vareš and the emissary of the mufti of Sarajevo, dr. Nejad-ef. Grabusa, Adisa Likić, president of the Association "Zvijezda" and Zdravko Marošević, mayor of the Municipality of Vareš.

The chief imam of MIZ Vareš and the emissary of the Mufti of Sarajevo, Ramiz-ef. Zubaca said that the Islamic community in our country has its own role in the fight for truth and justice, and that this round table is proof that the community is fighting for it.

We are aware that we have to live with our neighbors, that our country is the way it is, but it is the country of all its citizens. I am proud because Rijaset took on the role of organizer of this event and that we can contribute to truth and justice in this way - said Effendi Zubac.

Major Marošević told those present that the October days are a period of remembrance for the victims.

- Every year, when we approach this month, when we should look forward to autumn, there are days when everyone needs to think about themselves, especially me when I have to say something and I wonder what I would have to say. Traveling around Bosnia and Herzegovina, from east to west, I come to areas where everyone talks about themselves, and the consequences for everyone were terrible - said Marošević.

He added that Vareš still mourns for those who are not there and should be.

- Every year and every day we have to think about what happened, but also let it be a reminder to build a more beautiful, better and happier Vareš in our Bosnia and Herzegovina - said Marošević.

After a short break, a session titled "Consequences of Croatian policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 1992 to 1995" was held, and the speakers were dr. sci. Zilha Mastalić-Košuta, Ph.D. sci. Muamer Džananović and others. sci. Hikmet Karcic.

Dr. Džananović said that the crimes committed in Stupno Dol were the result of a large-state ideology, which was judged as such in The Hague for the Joint Criminal Enterprise.

- It is also a fact that the crime was also the subject of interest of the domestic judiciary. Those who committed crimes in Stupni Do also committed them in Han Ploča, Kiseljak and other places. Convicted criminals also moved to Croatia, where they wrote and published books, and this is precisely the similarity with the criminals of the Great Serbian ideology - Džananović said.


Zilha Mastalić-Košuta reminded that October 23, 1993 is an important date, both for the citizens of Vareš and the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- In Stupno Dol, 38 people were killed, 22 of whom were women, and there were also five children. These were heinous ways of committing the crime, which was committed from a higher level by the leaders of the so-called of the Croatian community of Herceg-Bosnia in order to force the Croatian population of Vareš to move from these areas because the goal was to create a more homogeneous image of Herceg-Bosna - she said, adding that the population of Vareš lived in normal circumstances compared to some other parts of the country. and that it did not suit the perpetrators whose crimes resulted in suffering in Stupni Dol.

Dr. Hikmet Karčić said that there are crimes that are neglected or completely forgotten by all of us.

- At international gatherings, I try to explain to foreigners what happened here, to point out the essence. Today, the situation is that our fight for narrative and truth is happening outside our country, history is being written there, and our presentation of the truth is the most important - said Karčić.

He drew a parallel between the crimes in our country and the killings that took place in Rwanda.

- In April 1994, half a million people were killed there. Immediately before that, Stupni Dol takes place. Why did Bosniaks get more attention then? Because we are white people in Europe, no matter how strange it may sound. As a nation, we were and remain interesting to many, civilizationally and culturally we belong to Europe. Today, however, we expect someone to do something for us, even though we know that period has passed. If we don't organize this gathering, others certainly won't do it - stressed Dr. Karcic.

In this way, the Administration for Foreign Affairs and Diaspora strives to mark the important dates of the suffering of Bosniaks, but also to point to scientific, judicial and historical facts that confirm the intention to encourage Greater Croat and Greater Serb ideologies in the territorial conquest of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After the session, a discussion was held with the attendees and the conclusions from today's round table were presented.

(Kerim Sefer/


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