The Archive of the Federation organizes a scientific conference and exhibition on the topic "Documented but unjudged genocide"

The Archive of the Federation organizes a scientific meeting and exhibition on the topic; "Documented but unjudged genocide". The scientific conference will be held at the Bosniak Institute on October 12. 2022 at 2:00 p.m., where an exhibition on the same topic will be opened.

Crimes committed against Bosniaks during the period of aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-1995. are an integral part of the Greater Serbian state expansionist project, which has been continuously implemented in stages for over two centuries. Today, thirty years after the beginning of the aggression and the committing of genocide against Bosniaks, those long-established goals have not been abandoned. Although Bosniaks are an absolute minority in most municipalities of the Republika Srpska due to the genocide committed against them, the rest of the population is told in different ways that there is no place for them in their hearths and the hearths of their ancestors. Denial of genocide, glorification and glorification of war criminals, threats and discrimination in various fields have a negative effect on relatively few Bosniak and Croat returnees. By investing large amounts of money, quasi-scientific research and works are used to relativize the role of the Serbian army and politics in the crimes committed and to change the character of the war of aggression.

According to Article 2 of the UN Convention on Genocide from 1948, genocide, i.e. to characterize the crime as genocide, means any of the criminal acts committed with the intent to completely or partially destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group : by applying some of the genocidal acts.

Before the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice, only what happened in Srebrenica during July 1995 was characterized as genocide against Bosniaks, which does not eliminate the possibility of scientific qualifications and research that can prove genocide in the wider area of ​​Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this regard, Judge Ahmed Mahiou in his separate opinion, in the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in The Hague on the claim of Bosnia and Herzegovina for genocide against Serbia and Montenegro, said: "Nevertheless, even when the judgment based on the presented evidence fails to conclude that the accused is guilty of genocide, that does not mean that there was no genocide."

However, if we were guided only by judicial practice, but were consistent, and relied on what the courts ruled, then we would definitely realize that genocide was committed in the wider area of ​​Bosnia and Herzegovina. Final verdicts before German courts were pronounced for crimes in Doboj, Kalesija, Kotor Varoš, in which crimes characterized by genocide were committed, which is often ignored by the public. The goal of this project is to point out these facts, among other things.

Taking into account that we are living in a time of struggle for the narrative about the committed genocide against Bosniaks, we believe that it is very important to give a scientific answer to quasi-scientific projects and the results of those non-scientific researches. We consider this a moral obligation towards the victims, but also towards the generations that will come after us. It is very important that they inherit the scientific truth. Scientific research, the verifiability of results obtained by scientific methods are the only guarantor of establishing the truth. That's why such research is crucially important in order to tear out the "claws" of genocide and preserve its last "victim", i.e. the truth.

In connection with the previous one, the Archives of the Federation launched a scientific project: "Documented but unjudged genocide". One of the goals of the project is to contribute to the fight against the falsification of our recent past.

For the aforementioned, the Archives of the Federation hired three young but recognizable scientific workers who are recognizable experts in the field of crime and genocide research. It is about dr. Muamer Džananović, scientific associate of the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, dr. Jasmin Medić, scientific associate of the Institute of History of the University of Sarajevo and Dr. Hikmet Karčić, scientific associate of the Institute for the Islamic Tradition of Bosniaks. In their many years of scientific work, they have collected thousands of primary sources, which they use in the publication of books and scientific works in Bosnian and English, and present them in the country and abroad, spreading the scientific truth about what was happening in our country. For the needs of the Federation Archives project, in several months of work, they selected a certain number of documents necessary for the form of the exhibition and for their presentations within the program. Therefore, it is about the primary structure of Serbian political and military leaders and perpetrators of crimes against Bosniaks in which they directly or indirectly admit to committing crimes. From those documents, we will prove that the intention to commit genocide against Bosniaks and the awareness of committing barbaric crimes against civilians was ordered continuously from the beginning to the end of the aggression in the wider area of ​​the independent, sovereign, internationally recognized Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this way, we will significantly contribute to the fight for the truth about the genocide against the Bosniaks, and for the first time we will present to the majority of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the wider public very important documents in which the character of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina is unequivocally recognized.

The exhibition, which becomes the permanent property of the Archives of the Federation, will be promoted throughout the country, as well as in Europe and the world, after the promotion in Sarajevo.

Source: Archives of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


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