A new book of the Monumenta Srebrenica edition number 11 has been published.

A new book of the Monumenta Srebrenica edition number 11 has been published. The publisher of this important edition is J.U. Institute for the Protection and Use of the Cultural-Historical and Natural Heritage of the Tuzla Canton.

The editor is prof. Ph.D. Adib Djozic.

The proofreader is Amra Vehabović, prof. Bosnian language and literature.

The translation into English was done by prof. Ph.D. Selma Kesetovic.

The magazine was published in Bosnian and English. In addition to Adib Đozić's "Words of the Editor", we have seven prominent authors who wrote original scientific works, which are grouped into three chapters, namely:

Chapter Genocide

     Rasim Muratović, "Types of Evil";
     Vedad Gurda, "Chronology of the trial of Ratko Mladić for the genocide in Srebrenica and other crimes before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia";
     Adib Đozić, "Anti-rationalism, lies, hatred and genocide against Bosniaks";
     Muamer Džananović, "From classification to triumphalism (the last stages of the genocide against Bosniaks);
     Amir Grabovica, Ermin Kuka, "Srebrenica: The Scene of Dante's Inferno in Europe at the End of the 20th Century";

Chapter From the past of Bosnian Podrinj

     Kemal Nurkić, "Selo Gladović";

Chapter Memories

     Faruk Đozić, "Twenty-four wounds of mothers Zukić: Fat, Zahe, Munire, Kade, Šide, Rasema and Hajre"

The message of the magazine is: "May Srebrenica never happen to anyone again!" And in order not to forget, we should write and remind ourselves of the most terrible crime that happened to humanity, and it happened to our people in our country.


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