Unbelievable Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Before going on an undeserved vacation, the prosecutors of the War Crimes Department of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina packed another indictment, known as "Volunteer", intended to strengthen the joint effort to equalize the blame and distort the cause and course of the Aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina. Historical revisionism in its darkest form.

Even though the court in The Hague concluded long ago that there were no elements of criminal responsibility in that case, the Prosecutor's Office kept the case in the drawer for a long time, for years, and then brought up the indictment, which heavily charges some of the most important people from the political elite of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the first days of the Aggression. .

After they filed indictments against all the corps commanders of the BiH Army, after they massacred the most important people from the leadership of the MUP of RBiH in court, now it is the turn of the political top. It is only important to file an indictment, to drag out the trial for years, regardless of the fact that the process will end in the same way as the trial of Dragan Vikić and the others ended.

At the same time, the BiH Prosecutor's Office does nothing to prosecute those responsible for the murders of children in besieged Sarajevo. No one was held accountable for the death of the children, not a single brigade commander, not a single platoon or battalion commander, not a single artilleryman, not a single VRS sniper. The children of Sarajevo are of no interest to the Prosecutor's Office, unlike the children of Kalinovik, so for the death of one child from the shrapnel of a shell fired from the position of the Army of BiH at Kalinovik, they accused, no less, no more than the then commander of the Fourth Corps.

It has been exactly 11 years since, for example, the Institute for the Investigation of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo filed a thoroughly documented criminal complaint against Tomislav Šipčić, an officer of the Bosnian Serb army. During the time when Šipčić commanded the Siege of Sarajevo, 105 children were killed in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The case against Tomislav Šipčić, unlike the "Dobrovoljačka" case, was marked as an A case and the documentation was sent from The Hague to Sarajevo a long time ago. And as it came, it has been tucked away in some dark corner where it has been collecting dust for more than a decade.

Meanwhile, a little more than a month ago, Šipčić died at the age of 83, deep in retirement.

In all these 11 years, the Prosecutor's Office remembered his case only once and asked the Institute to resend the already sent documentation. This, in fact, shows how much they are not interested in the cases of the murder of Sarajevo children at all, and that, in fact, they are engaged in politics, not the work for which they are paid, and what and how they are doing is only part of a wider project of collapsing all state institutions under whose name they exist.

Written by: N.H./Stav.ba


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