Scientific conference on the Genocide of Bosniaks and demographic changes in the RS from 1992 to 2022.

The Institute for Bosniak Studies of the Bosniak Cultural Community "Preporod", in cooperation with the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, and the Bosnian Cultural Center of the Canton of Sarajevo, organizes the scientific meeting "Genocide against Bosniaks and demographic changes in the Bosnia and Herzegovina entity of the RS since 1992 . until 2022," reports Anadolu Agency (AA).

The meeting will be held tomorrow in the Gallery of the Bosnian Cultural Center in Sarajevo and will gather 15 exhibitors from various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, with the patronage of the vice president of the Bosnian entity of RS, Ramiz Salkić.

In the announcement of the event, Sanjin Kodrić, the president of the Bosnian cultural community "Preporod" in Bosnia and Herzegovina, pointed out that the topic of tomorrow's scientific meeting is current and refers to events in the RS, and added that the intention and goal of the organizers of the meeting is to approaches the topic more deeply, more substantively, more fundamentally than is the case in the daily sphere of treating that issue.

"We want to deal scientifically with the genocide of Bosniaks and demographic changes in the Bosnia and Herzegovina entity of the RS and in general with our reality in this regard, from the perspective of several basic social and humanistic scientific disciplines and in this way we want to interdisciplinary illuminate the problem of genocide against Bosniaks, and in this case the problem demographic changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. entity Republika Srpska. We consider it extremely important because we must not leave these questions exclusively as questions of a daily nature in our public space, especially since we are witnessing the intensive production of narratives that seek to change the perception of the nature of aggression and war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the domestic and foreign public and in our consciousness. and the consequences that resulted from all that. Narratives are important, the narrative that we want to represent with this gathering is a narrative of facts, a narrative based on what is historical reality, undeniably confirmed by numerous relevant domestic and international courts," said Kodric.

Pointing out that the fight for the narrative represents the fight for truth, scientific truth, Kodric said that it alone has the ability to permanently build a culture of memory of the period of aggression in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also of the history of war crimes, crimes of genocide and other destructive phenomena from that period. context.

Ramiz Salkić, Vice President of BiH. of the Republika Srpska entity, thanked the organizers of tomorrow's meeting in Sarajevo and said that at that meeting the consequences of the crime of genocide, aggression and persecution that occurred from 1992 to 1995, and above all in the territory of the Republika Srpska entity, will be examined from different aspects .

"The process of return tried to replace the demographic destruction that was caused by the force of evil, persecution, liquidation of people. That process faced a new type of attack on the demographic structure of that administrative area, which manifested itself through systemic discrimination and the inability of people to get a job and make a living and establish life and survival in that area for a long period of time. This demographic destruction continues today and is supported by the system. It is our obligation to talk about it, and here is also through this conference and meeting, but also in every other way, we are advocating a change in the situation we are in and a change in the situation in such a way that we will include in our acts and documents according to which the system functions in BiH what is judged and proven before two international courts. Eliminating the consequences of genocide is a prerequisite for any normal system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the normal organization and functioning of the state," said Salkić.

He said that it is necessary to continue this type of scientific activity for the sake of the fight for scientific and historical documentation of facts that have been proven and thus oppose those who want to revise the truth and who want to create the truth on the basis of mythology, glorification of war crimes, disobeying the decisions of the Constitutional Court and who want to lead society further into the abyss.

Director of the Bosnian Cultural Center of the Sarajevo Canton, Jasmin Duraković, pointed out that BKC accepted participation in the organization of a scientific meeting on an extremely important topic such as the genocide of Bosniaks and demographic changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. to the entity of the RS and emphasized that these are the cancer of the wounds of BiH. societies that need to be talked about.

"What is important is that tomorrow we will have people who thoroughly deal with these topics from the political, sociological and demographic aspects. What, in my opinion, is to see that simply the times we live in and the challenges we have as responsible people force and compel us to deal with this big topic, which is cancer, a wound and a big trauma in Bosnia and Herzegovina. society and, unfortunately, it is still an issue of political manipulations," said Duraković.

Director of the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, Rasim Muratović, emphasized that it is important to mention the facts that in the period 1992-1995. aggression was committed against Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Croatia, that a genocide was committed against Bosniaks, and that BiH the RS entity is a genocidal creation that was legalized by the Dayton Peace Agreement.

"You don't need to be a big explorer when you travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina. the RS entity to see that it is a half-empty shell, there are no people there because they are fleeing, not only for economic reasons, but also for political reasons because there is always on the edge of war," said Muratović.

Pointing out that the greatest misfortune of Bosniaks may not be hundreds of thousands of dead, a million expelled and 50,000 raped, but that the greatest misfortune is that Bosniaks do not know how to learn lessons and end the war in such a way that no new ones are produced.

"What to do in this situation. I think we should do what we haven't done in the past 27 years, or we've done it not well enough or not at all. In this sense, I hope that tomorrow about 15 scientific workers will answer all the questions", said Muratović.

During 2022, it is planned to publish a presentation that will be presented at the meeting in the thematic issue of the Proceedings of the Institute for Bosniak Studies of the Bosniak Community of Culture "Revival".



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