Preparations for the second international scientific conference on the genocide of Bosniaks in Srebrenica have begun

On the occasion of commemorating the 27th anniversary of the genocide committed against Bosniaks in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Universities of Tuzla and Sarajevo, as well as the Institute for Research on Crimes against Humanity and International Law and the Institute of History are planning the organization of the International Scientific Conference "Consequences of the Bosniak Genocide: Social, Economic , demographic and cultural development of Srebrenica from 1995 to 2022. The conference is planned to be held in Tuzla on November 15 of the following year. On this occasion, the first session of the Organizational and Scientific Committee of the Conference was held today in the Rectorate of the University of Tuzla.

After the first international Conference held last year on the genocide of Bosniaks, Srebrenica 1995‒2020: causes, scale and consequences, a second one is being prepared, which will be held on November 15 of the following year. Speaking about the genocide of Bosniaks in Srebrenica in the language of facts from a scientific point of view is extremely important, especially at a time when the deniers of this, judged and proven crime are becoming more and more vocal.

"The academic community should oppose the denial of genocide, those false and falsified evidences with science and scientific research. The University of Tuzla will strive to persevere in that mission, and one of the first steps on that path is holding the Conference planned for next year. Based on exact facts and evidence, we need to remind the public and young people of the fundamental values of life. Only in this way can we build the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina", said the rector of the University of Tuzla, Nermina Hadžigrahić.

The Rector of the University of Sarajevo, Rifat Škrijelj, is of the same opinion.

"In order to present the truth about Srebrenica and the genocide that was committed against the Bosniaks of Srebrenica in 1995 in a scientifically valued way to the domestic and international public, two universities, the University of Sarajevo and the University of Tuzla, are gathering eminent researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world on a partnership basis who will, through their scientific papers at the scientific conference in 2022, perform the task that scientists face - that the scientific approach in data collection, their processing, and the presentation to the public and the publication of the papers remain as a testimony of the judged genocide", said Škrijelj.

The theme of the conference focuses on several case studies that will shed light on the consequences of the genocide on the concrete life circumstances with which the citizens of Srebrenica live.

Academician Mirko Pejanović, president of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, considers the Conference to be of great importance.

"First of all, there is economic development, employment, return, demographic revitalization, and it is planned to investigate the state of communal infrastructure, the connection of the Ministry of Health with the city center. A group of researchers is planned to investigate the development and restoration of inter-ethnic trust," said Pejanović.

"We have decided to form scientific and research teams that will prepare scientific studies in the next six months and based on them we will hold a conference in November next year," explains Rasim Muratović, director of the Institute for Researching Crimes Against Humanity and International Law at the University of Sarajevo.

The Government of TK fully supports the discussion and project approach of fully discussing what happened, as well as the perspective of the consequences of the genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica through this large project.

"It is not the only way to support the topic of Srebrenica, but through this scientific and research approach we think that with our support we can respond in the best way to the need for illumination, collective memory, for developing the feeling that Srebrenica and the topic of Srebrenica is a big topic of Bosnia and Herzegovina", he says Prime Minister TK Kadrija Hodžić.

The second conference entitled "Consequences of the Bosniak genocide: Social, economic, demographic and cultural development of Srebrenica from 1995 to 2022" will be held in Tuzla on November 15 of the following year.


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