On the occasion of commemorating the twenty-seventh anniversary of the genocide committed against Bosniaks in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was also confirmed by the final judgments of the ICTY for the area of the so-called safe zones of the United Nations of Srebrenica and its surroundings (July 1995), University of Sarajevo, University of Tuzla, University of Sarajevo - Institute for the research of crimes against humanity and international law and the University of Sarajevo - Institute of History are planning the organization of the International Scientific Conference "CONSEQUENCES OF THE GENOCIDE AGAINST BOSNIAKS IN SREBRENICA: SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, DEMOGRAPHIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF SREBRENICA (1995‒2022)". It is planned to
The conference will be held in Tuzla on November 15, 2022.

On this occasion, the first session of the Organizational and Scientific Committee of the Conference will be held in the Rectorate of the University of Tuzla (address Dr. Tihomil Marković No. 1), on Monday, November 15, 2021, starting at 11 a.m. At the session, work methods for the preparation of research studies for the preparation of the Conference will be adopted, a decision will be made on the appointment of the scientific teams of case studies, and the Draft Financial Plan of the Conference will be adopted.

We invite you to accompany the media coverage of the start of activities on the organization of this significant and important Conference.


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