On October 14, the book "Territorial expansionism of Serbia towards Bosnia and Herzegovina (1804-2020)", authored by prof. Ph.D. Denis Bećirović. The work was published by the Institute for Research on Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo.

The book was promoted by an academician, prof. Ph.D. Mirko Pejanović, prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović, prof. Ph.D. Tomislav Išek, prof. Ph.D. Senadin Lavić, prof. Ph.D. Husnija Kamberović, assistant professor Ph.D. Benjamina Karić and others. sc. Muamer Džananović.

The book is structured in four chapters in which the territorial expansionist policy of Serbia towards Bosnia and Herzegovina from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day is thoroughly discussed.

In his address, Prof. Ph.D. Rasim Muratović, director of the Institute for Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo, pointed out that the book: "with its comprehensiveness, brevity and comprehensibility, covers the gap in the study and interpretation of Greater Serbian and Greater Croatian politics in the capacity in which it could be realized. With its topicality, the book can, especially for young generations, help them get to know in detail important contemporary political processes, historical events and trials that Bosnia and Herzegovina has gone through and is going through in the last two centuries."

Prof. Ph.D. Tomislav Išek said that in the book, Bećirović showed and proved the absolute validity of his theses about Serbia's territorial expansionism towards Bosnia and Herzegovina. "For the first time in a historiographical production, the continuity of Serbia's great-state pretensions towards Bosnia and Herzegovina through three centuries was successfully shown and proven," said Išek.

dr. sc. Among other things, Muamer Džananović pointed out that "a very important part of the book in which prof. Bećirović emphasizes that the advocates of the disappearance of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina know that the lulling, desubstantialization and disunity of the pro-Bosnian and Herzegovina forces is in their favor, and Bećirović with the call to recognize where Bosnia and Herzegovina is facing the greatest danger and insists on efficient organization, a thorough change in relation to the big state - ultimately, all with the goal of democratic advocacy for the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina by equal citizens and peoples, which is perhaps the most important message of this work".

Asst. Ph.D. Benjamina Karić pointed out that "the book makes a great contribution to the study of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but especially of the various expansionist intentions that were often directed towards our Bosnia and Herzegovina. This book provides answers to many questions and it is a pioneering undertaking because we have not had the opportunity to see a book like this on our market so far".

Prof. Ph.D. In his presentation, Husnija Kamberović emphasized the importance of numerous segments of the work, especially those in which the author approached from the position of historical science, and emphasized that in the final parts it has a political science approach.

Prof. Ph.D. Senadin Lavić, thanking the author for finding the strength to write such a work, said that Denis Bećirovović is politically on the same lines as Nijaz Duraković and Esad Zgodić. He especially emphasized the importance of this work for numerous scientific fields, especially students of humanities and social sciences.

Academician, prof. Ph.D. Mirko Pejanović emphasized that: "This is a rare book that deals with a historical phenomenon, namely the relationship between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the context of territorial claims in Bosnia and Herzegovina." Three historical periods are covered, the 19th century, the 20th century, and especially in the 20th century, the period of aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina and after the Dayton Peace Agreement. The author came to very important insights and conclusions, and the book will be of great use to students of the humanities and social sciences, to the scientific public, and to all who deal with the social development of Bosnia and Herzegovina."

Prof. Ph.D. Denis Bećirović is a doctor of historical sciences and a university professor. He teaches at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Tuzla as an associate professor. He is a member of the Committee for Historical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the author of 4 books and more than 40 scientific and professional papers published in reference journals in the country and abroad. He is engaged in scientific research of the contemporary history of Southeast Europe and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the relations between the state and religious communities in the 20th century.



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